Saturday, 14 April 2012

All Change in the Shack!

Well, I've been thinking for some time about changing my FT-950 and getting something else to play with. The FT-950 was (is) a fantastic radio but when I bought the FT-2000 I knew I was getting a bigger and better version of the same thing. So the two radios are rather similar.

I paid a visit to LAM Communications today, there outside Barnsley in S Yorks:

and came home with a Kenwood TS-590. I also bought a basic Yaesu 2m/70cm FM transceiver, so I've rearranged a few things in the shack:

You wouldn't believe how difficult it can be to get the cables out and re-routed into the right place once I've moved a radio. I want to know who comes into the shack when I'm not here to tie knots in all the wires. Here's the new Kenwood radio:

And this is the Yaesu:

Chopsy cat's not been helping much as normal:

Good egh?

1 comment:

  1. FT-2000 or TS-590, which do you prefer? 73 Mike M0SAZ
