Monday, 1 April 2019

Digital TV - really? QO-100 again!


Over the weekend I have been playing with the software KG-STV.

This is a kind of digital TV; its slow scan TV that's digitised on TX.

It took me a while to get the software to key the radio - eventually I figured out it doesnt seem to work if the selected COM port is > 9. Hey ho, as my PC Is COM port city, I had to shuffle some stuff about.

Here's two instances of the software running at the same time; the top one is my TX signal going up on 13cm and the bottom is my RX of the signal on 3cm.

And here is the same image as received by CT1BYM, Miguel:

and here some more images Migual has been kind enough to share. This is his RX setup:

How cool is that?

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