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Saturday, 28 December 2024



Over Christmas and New Year, ARISS (Thats Amateur Radio on the International Space Station) have been transmiting some Slow Scan Television to commemerate the year 2024.

The transmissions are on 145.800 using mode PD120 and I left my copy of  RXSSTV running to see what I could capture.

I used the SatTrack part of Ham Radio Delux to track and calculate the upcoming passes of the ISS.

I captured quite a few images, none are perfect - but neither is my RX setup. I'm not tracking the ISS with the antennas, not are they pointing up!

I uploaded my images to the ARISS website and received a nice certificate:

Fun, don't you think?

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

I'm Back! Its a Portsdown 4


After a long time doing other things, I'm back into the radio hobby after quite a spell away.

I have a new "shack" at the house, which is shared by quite a few of my aquatic chums (I keep fish), but its a good space and I'm enjoying it.

I'm slowley getting things back together....

I've just started construction of the BATC Portsdown 4, its a Raspberry Pi4 based DATV transciever.

Currently I have a Pi4, a 7" touchscreen, a Logitec WebCam and a LimeSDR mini (the last bit I found in the attic). So far so good.

The RX side is currently a new BATC project called the PicoTuner:

So called, because its based on a Raspberry Pi Pico. This receiver is running with some software called 
Open Tuner by ZR6TG. This PC based software will work with the Pico tuner and so far I have sent a Test Card from one end of the bench to the other using bits of wet noodle as antennas.

So, this feels like a good start.

I'd like to try and get some DATV on 146.5MHz and I have an amplifier for this purpose somewhere.... I will also install a dish to initially RX QO-100.

More to come!