I've had to order a load of Silva Mica caps from Rapid electronics in the UK for the Low Pass Filters, as I didnt have anything suitable in stock; they are supposed to arrive today, but aren't here yet.
The main amplifier board is going to look a little scruffy, but here are a few picks from the build so far:
The last image shows the board under test, I havent inserted the finals yet and I've just stuck a 1nF capacitor between where the Gate and the Drain will go on each FET. This should allow me to check the phasing of the transformers and the other bits before I smoke any expensive parts! I've just watched the realay explode as I thought it was a 24V coil, but it seems it was a 5V coil and it didn't take too kindly to having 28V accross it!!!
I'll post more when I've got a replacement relay, I don't have one right now.
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